- Lock5Data::ACSAmerican Community Survey
- Lock5Data::ACS2010American Community Survey - 2010
- Lock5Data::APMultipleChoiceAP Multiple Choice
- Lock5Data::AllCountriesAll Countries
- Lock5Data::AllCountries1eAllCountries - 1e
- Lock5Data::AllCountries2eAllCountries - 2e
- Lock5Data::April14TempsApril 14th Temperatures
- Lock5Data::April14Temps1eApril 14th Temperatures -1e
- Lock5Data::April14Temps2eApril 14th Temperatures - 2e
- Lock5Data::BaseballHits1eBaseball Hits
- Lock5Data::BaseballHits2014Baseball Hits - 2014
- Lock5Data::BaseballHits2019Baseball Team Statistics (2019)
- Lock5Data::BaseballSalaries2015MLB Player Salaries in 2015
- Lock5Data::BaseballSalaries2019MLB Player Salaries in 2019
- Lock5Data::BaseballTimesBaseball Game Times
- Lock5Data::BenfordBenford data
- Lock5Data::BikeCommuteBike Commute
- Lock5Data::BodyFatBody Measurements
- Lock5Data::BodyTemp50Body Temperatures
- Lock5Data::BootAtlantaCorrBootstrap Correlations for Atlanta Commutes
- Lock5Data::CAOSExamCAOS Exam Scores
- Lock5Data::CaffeineTapsCaffeine Taps
- Lock5Data::CarDepreciationCar Depreciation
- Lock5Data::CarbonDioxideCarbon Dioxide Levels
- Lock5Data::CarbonDioxide2eCarbon Dioxide Levels - 2e
- Lock5Data::Cars20152020 Car Models
- Lock5Data::Cars20202020 Car Models
- Lock5Data::CerealBreakfast Cereals
- Lock5Data::CityTempsCity Temperatures
- Lock5Data::CityTemps2eCity Temperatures - 2e
- Lock5Data::CocaineTreatmentCocaine Treatment
- Lock5Data::ColaCalciumCola Calcium
- Lock5Data::CollegeScoresCollege Scorecard
- Lock5Data::CollegeScores2yrCollege Scorecard - Two Year
- Lock5Data::CollegeScores4yrCollege Scorecard - Four Year
- Lock5Data::CommuteAtlantaCommute Atlanta
- Lock5Data::CommuteStLouisCommute Times in St. Louis
- Lock5Data::CompassionateRatsCompassionate Rats
- Lock5Data::CricketChirpsCricket Chirps
- Lock5Data::DDSDevelopmental Services
- Lock5Data::DecemberFlightsDecember Flights
- Lock5Data::DecemberFlights2eDecember Flights - 2e
- Lock5Data::DietDepressionDiet and Depression
- Lock5Data::DigitsDigit Counts
- Lock5Data::DogOwnerDog/Owner matches
- Lock5Data::DrugResistanceDrug Resistance
- Lock5Data::EducationLiteracyEducation and Literacy
- Lock5Data::EducationLiteracy2eEducation Literacy - 2e
- Lock5Data::ElectionMarginElection Margin
- Lock5Data::EmployedACSEmployed in American Community Survey
- Lock5Data::EmployedACS2010Employed in American Community Survey - 2010
- Lock5Data::ExerciseHoursExercise Hours
- Lock5Data::FacebookFriendsFacebook Friends
- Lock5Data::FatMice18Fat Mice 18
- Lock5Data::FireAntsFire Ants
- Lock5Data::FishGills12Fish Respiration and Calcium - Full Data
- Lock5Data::FishGills3Fish Respiration and Calcium
- Lock5Data::FisherIrisFisher's Iris Data
- Lock5Data::Flight179Flight times
- Lock5Data::Flight433Flight 433
- Lock5Data::Flight433_2eFlight 433 - 2e
- Lock5Data::FloridaLakesFlorida Lakes
- Lock5Data::FootballBrainFootball Brain Measurements
- Lock5Data::ForestFiresForest Fires
- Lock5Data::GPAbySexGPA by Sex
- Lock5Data::GSWarriors2016Golden State Warriors Basketball - 2016
- Lock5Data::GSWarriors2019Golden State Warriors Basketball (2019)
- Lock5Data::GeneticDiversityGenetic Diversity
- Lock5Data::GlobalInternet2010Global Internet Usage - 2010
- Lock5Data::GlobalInternet2019Global Internet Usage
- Lock5Data::GolfRoundGolf Round
- Lock5Data::HappyPlanetIndexHappy Planet Index
- Lock5Data::HeatCognitionHeat and Cognition
- Lock5Data::HeightDataHeight Data
- Lock5Data::HockeyPenalties2011Hockey Penalties - 2011
- Lock5Data::HockeyPenalties2019Hockey Penalties (2019)
- Lock5Data::HollywoodMoviesHollywood Movies
- Lock5Data::HollywoodMovies2011Hollywood Movies in 2011
- Lock5Data::HollywoodMovies2013Hollywood Movies - 2013
- Lock5Data::HomesForSaleHomes For Sale (2019)
- Lock5Data::HomesForSale2eHome for Sale - 2e
- Lock5Data::HomesForSaleCAHomes For Sale in California (2019)
- Lock5Data::HomesForSaleCA2eHome for Sale in California -2e
- Lock5Data::HomesForSaleCantonHomes For Sale in Canton, NY (2019)
- Lock5Data::HomesForSaleCanton2eHomes for sale in Canton, NY - 2e
- Lock5Data::HomesForSaleNYHomes For Sale in New York (2019)
- Lock5Data::HomesForSaleNY2eHome for Sale in New York - 2e
- Lock5Data::HomingPigeonsHoming Pigeons
- Lock5Data::HoneybeeHoneybee Colonies
- Lock5Data::HoneybeeCircuitsHoneybee Circuits
- Lock5Data::HoneybeeWaggleHoneybee Waggle
- Lock5Data::HotDogs1eHot Dog Eating Contest
- Lock5Data::HotDogs2015Hot Dog Eating Contest - 2015
- Lock5Data::HotDogs2019Hot Dog Eating Contest
- Lock5Data::HouseStarts2015Housing Starts - 2015
- Lock5Data::HouseStarts2018Housing Starts (2000-2018)
- Lock5Data::HumanTears25Human Tears -Sadness and Sexual Arousal
- Lock5Data::HumanTears50Human Tears - Testosterone
- Lock5Data::Hurricanes2014Hurricanes - 2014
- Lock5Data::Hurricanes2018Hurricanes (1914 to 2018)
- Lock5Data::ICUAdmissionsIntensive Care Unit Admissions
- Lock5Data::ImmuneTeaImmune Tea
- Lock5Data::InkjetPrintersInkjet Printers
- Lock5Data::LifeExpectancyVehiclesLife Expectancy and Vehicle Registrations (2017)
- Lock5Data::LifeExpectancyVehicles1eLife Expectancy and Vehicle Registrations - 1e
- Lock5Data::LifeExpectancyVehicles2eLife Expectancy and Vehicle Registrations - 2e
- Lock5Data::LightatNightLight at Night for Mice
- Lock5Data::LightatNight4WeeksLight at Night for Mice - After 4 Weeks
- Lock5Data::LightatNight8WeeksLight at Night for Mice - After 8 Weeks
- Lock5Data::MalevolentUniformsNFLMalevolent Uniforms NFL
- Lock5Data::MalevolentUniformsNHLMalevolent Uniforms NHL
- Lock5Data::MammalLongevityMammal Longevity
- Lock5Data::ManhattanApartmentsManhattan Apartment Prices (2019)
- Lock5Data::ManhattanApartments2011Manhattan Apartment Prices - 2011
- Lock5Data::MarriageAgesMarriage Ages
- Lock5Data::MastersGolfMasters Golf Scores
- Lock5Data::MateChoiceFruitfly Survival - by Mate Choice
- Lock5Data::MentalMuscleMental Muscle
- Lock5Data::MiamiHeatMiami Heat Basketball
- Lock5Data::MindsetMattersMindset Matters
- Lock5Data::MustangPriceMustang Prices
- Lock5Data::NBAPlayers2011NBA Players Data for 2010-11 Season
- Lock5Data::NBAPlayers2015NBA Players Data for 2014-15 Season
- Lock5Data::NBAPlayers2019NBA Players Data for 2018-19 Season
- Lock5Data::NBAStandings2011NBA 2010-11 Regular Season Standings
- Lock5Data::NBAStandings2016NBA 2015-2016 Regular Season Standings
- Lock5Data::NBAStandings2019NBA 2018-2019 Regular Season Standings
- Lock5Data::NFLContracts2015NFL Contracts in 2015
- Lock5Data::NFLContracts2019NFL Contracts in 2019
- Lock5Data::NFLPreSeason2014Wins for NFL Teams (2005-2014)
- Lock5Data::NFLPreseason2019Wins for NFL Teams (2005-2019)
- Lock5Data::NFLScores2011NFL Game Scores in 2011
- Lock5Data::NFLScores2018NFL Scores in 2018
- Lock5Data::NHANESNational Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Subset
- Lock5Data::NutritionStudyNutrition Study
- Lock5Data::OlympicMarathon20082008 Olympic Men's Marathon
- Lock5Data::OlympicMarathon20122012 Olympic Men's Marathon
- Lock5Data::OlympicMarathon20162016 Olympic Men's Marathon
- Lock5Data::OrganicEffectEating Organic Foods
- Lock5Data::OttawaSenatorsOttawa Senators Hockey Team (2014-2015)
- Lock5Data::OttawaSenators2010Ottawa Senators Hockey Team - 2010
- Lock5Data::OttawaSenators2019Ottawa Senators Hockey Team (2018-2019)
- Lock5Data::PASeniorsPennsylvania High School Seniors
- Lock5Data::PizzaGirlPizza Girl Tips
- Lock5Data::PumpkinBeerPumpkin Beer
- Lock5Data::QuizPulse10Quiz vs Lecture Pulse Rates
- Lock5Data::RandomP50N200Simulated proportions
- Lock5Data::RestaurantTipsRestaurant Tips
- Lock5Data::RetailSalesRetail Sales (2009-2019)
- Lock5Data::RetailSales2011Retail Sales (2000-2011)
- Lock5Data::RockandRoll2012Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (2012)
- Lock5Data::RockandRoll2015Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (2015)
- Lock5Data::RockandRoll2019Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (2019)
- Lock5Data::SalaryGenderSalary and Gender
- Lock5Data::SampCollegesSample of US Post-secondary Schools
- Lock5Data::SampColleges2yrSample of College Scorecard - Two Year
- Lock5Data::SampColleges4yrSample of College Scorecard - Four Year
- Lock5Data::SampCountriesSample of Countries
- Lock5Data::SampCountries1eSample of Countries - 1e
- Lock5Data::SampCountries2eSample of Countries - 2e
- Lock5Data::SandP500S&P 500 Prices
- Lock5Data::SandP5001eS&P 500 Prices
- Lock5Data::SandP5002eS&P 500 Prices - 2e
- Lock5Data::SandwichAntsSandwich Ants
- Lock5Data::SandwichAnts2Sandwich Ants - Part 2
- Lock5Data::SkateboardPricesSkateboard Prices
- Lock5Data::SleepCaffeineSleep Caffeine
- Lock5Data::SleepStudySleep Study
- Lock5Data::SmilesSmiles
- Lock5Data::SpeedDatingSpeed Dating
- Lock5Data::SplitBillSplit Bill vs Individual Meal Costs
- Lock5Data::StatGradesStatistics Exam Grades
- Lock5Data::StockChangesStock Changes
- Lock5Data::StorySpoilersStory Spoilers
- Lock5Data::StressedMiceStressed Mice
- Lock5Data::StudentSurveyStudent Survey Data
- Lock5Data::SynchronizedMovementSynchronized Movement
- Lock5Data::TenCountriesTen Countries
- Lock5Data::TenCountries1eTen Countries - 1e
- Lock5Data::TenCountries2eTen Countries - 2e
- Lock5Data::TextbookCostsTextbook Costs
- Lock5Data::ToenailArsenicToenail Arsenic
- Lock5Data::TrafficFlowTraffic Flow
- Lock5Data::USStatesUS State Data
- Lock5Data::USStates1eUS State Data - 1e
- Lock5Data::USStates2eUS State Data - 2e
- Lock5Data::WaterStridersWater Striders
- Lock5Data::WaterTasteWaterTaste
- Lock5Data::WetsuitsWetsuits
- Lock5Data::YoungBloodYoung Blood
- Stat2Data::AHCAvote2017Congressional Votes on American Health Care Act (in 2017)
- Stat2Data::AccordPricePrices of Used Honda Accords (in 2017)
- Stat2Data::AirlinesOntime Records for Two Airlines at Two Airports
- Stat2Data::AlfalfaAlfalfa Growth
- Stat2Data::AlitoConfirmationUS Senate Votes on Samuel Alito for the Supreme Court
- Stat2Data::AmyloidAmyloid-beta and Cognitive Impairment
- Stat2Data::AppleStockDaily Price and Volume of Apple Stock
- Stat2Data::ArcheryDataScores in an Archery Class
- Stat2Data::AthleteGradAthletic Participation, Race, and Graduation
- Stat2Data::AudioVisualReaction Times to Audio and Visual Stimuli
- Stat2Data::AutoPollutionNoise Levels of Filters to Reduce Automobile Pollution
- Stat2Data::BackpackWeights of College Student Backpacks
- Stat2Data::BaseballTimesBaseball Game Times of One Day in 2008
- Stat2Data::BaseballTimes2017Baseball Game Times of One Day in 2017
- Stat2Data::BeeStingsDo Bee Stings Depend on Previous Stings?
- Stat2Data::BirdCalciumEffect of a Hormone on Bird Calcium Levels
- Stat2Data::BirdNestNest Characteristics for Different Bird Species
- Stat2Data::Blood1Blood Pressure, Weight, and Smoking Status
- Stat2Data::BlueJaysBlue Jay Measurements
- Stat2Data::BrainpHBrain pH Measurements
- Stat2Data::BreesPassDrew Brees Passing Statistics (2016)
- Stat2Data::BritishUnionsAttitudes Towards British Trade Unions
- Stat2Data::ButterfliesBcButterfly (Boloria chariclea) Measurements
- Stat2Data::CAFEUS Senate Votes on Corporate Average Fuel Economy Bill
- Stat2Data::CO2Daily CO2 Measurements in Germany
- Stat2Data::CO2GermanyDaily CO2 Measurements in Germany
- Stat2Data::CO2HawaiiCO2 Readings in Hawaii
- Stat2Data::CO2SouthPoleCO2 Readings at the South Pole
- Stat2Data::CalciumBPDo Calcium Supplements Lower Blood Pressure?
- Stat2Data::CanadianDrugsCanadian Drugs Senate Vote
- Stat2Data::CancerSurvivalSurvival Times for Different Cancers
- Stat2Data::CaterpillarsMeasurements of Manduca Sexta Caterpillars
- Stat2Data::CavsShootingCleveland Cavalier's Shooting (2016-2017)
- Stat2Data::CerealNutrition Content of Breakfast Cereals
- Stat2Data::ChemoTHCTHC for Antinausea Treatment in Chemotherapy
- Stat2Data::ChildSpeaksAge at First Speaking
- Stat2Data::ClintonSandersClinton/Sanders Primary Results (2016)
- Stat2Data::ClothingSales for a Clothing Retailer
- Stat2Data::CloudSeedingCloud Seeding Experiment (Winter Only)
- Stat2Data::CloudSeeding2Cloud Seeding Experiment (Four Seasons)
- Stat2Data::ContraceptivesDrug Interaction with Contraceptives
- Stat2Data::CountyHealthCounty Health Resources
- Stat2Data::CrabShipCrab Oxygen Intake
- Stat2Data::CrackerFiberEffects of Cracker Fiber on Digested Calories
- Stat2Data::CreditRiskOverdrawn Checking Account?
- Stat2Data::CuckooMeasurements of Cuckoo Eggs
- Stat2Data::Day1SurveyFirst Day Survey of Statistics Students
- Stat2Data::DiabeticDogsLactic Acid Turnover in Dogs
- Stat2Data::DiamondsCharacteristics of a Sample of Diamonds
- Stat2Data::Diamonds2Characteristics of a Subset of the Diamond Sample
- Stat2Data::DinosaursIridium Levels in Rock Layers to Investigate Dinosaur Extinction
- Stat2Data::Election082008 U.S. Presidential Election
- Stat2Data::Election162016 U.S. Presidential Election
- Stat2Data::ElephantsFBMeasurements of Male African Elephants
- Stat2Data::ElephantsMFMeasurements of African Elephants
- Stat2Data::EthanolEffects of Oxygen on Sugar Metabolism
- Stat2Data::EyesPupil Dilation and Sexual Orientation
- Stat2Data::FGByDistanceResults of NFL Field Goal Attempts
- Stat2Data::FacesFacial Attractiveness of Men
- Stat2Data::FaithfulFacesFaithfulness from a Photo?
- Stat2Data::FantasyBaseballSelection Times in a Fantasy Baseball Draft
- Stat2Data::FatRatsDiet and Weight of Rats
- Stat2Data::FertilityFertility Data for Women Having Trouble Getting Pregnant
- Stat2Data::FilmFilm Data from Leonard Maltin's Guide
- Stat2Data::FinalFourIzzoNCAA Final Four by Seed and Tom Izzo (through 2010)
- Stat2Data::FinalFourIzzo17NCAA Final Four by Seed and Tom Izzo (through 2017)
- Stat2Data::FinalFourLongNCAA Final Four by Seed (Long Version through 2010)
- Stat2Data::FinalFourLong17NCAA Final Four by Seed (Long Version through 2017)
- Stat2Data::FinalFourShortCAA Final Four by Seed (Short Version through 2010)
- Stat2Data::FinalFourShort17NCAA Final Four by Seed (Short Version through 2017)
- Stat2Data::FingersFinger Tap Rates
- Stat2Data::FirstYearGPAFirst Year GPA for College Students
- Stat2Data::FishEggsFertility of Fish Eggs
- Stat2Data::FitchBody Measurements of Mammal Species
- Stat2Data::FlightResponseResponse of Migratory Geese to Helicopter Overflights
- Stat2Data::FloridaDPFlorida Death Penalty Cases
- Stat2Data::FluorescenceMeasuring Calcium Binding to Proteins
- Stat2Data::FranticFingersFinger Tap Rates
- Stat2Data::FruitFliesFruit Fly Sexual Activity and Longevity
- Stat2Data::FruitFlies2Fruit Fly Sexual Activity and Male Competition
- Stat2Data::FunnelDropFunnel Drop Times
- Stat2Data::GlowWormsFemale Glow-worms
- Stat2Data::GoldenrodGoldenrod Galls
- Stat2Data::GrinnellHousesHouse Sales in Grinnell, Iowa
- Stat2Data::GroceryGrocery Sales and Discounts
- Stat2Data::GunnelsAre Gunnels Present at Shoreline?
- Stat2Data::HandwritingGuess Author's Sex from Handwriting?
- Stat2Data::HawkTailTail Lengths of Hawks
- Stat2Data::HawkTail2Tail Lengths of Hawks (Unstacked)
- Stat2Data::HawksMeasurements on Three Hawk Species
- Stat2Data::HearingTestCorrectly Identified Words in a Hearing Test
- Stat2Data::HeatingOilHeating Oil Consumption
- Stat2Data::HighPeaksCharacteristics of Adirondack Hiking Trails
- Stat2Data::HoopsGrinnell College Basketball Games
- Stat2Data::HorsePricesPrices of Horses
- Stat2Data::HousesHouse Prices, Sizes, and Lot Areas
- Stat2Data::HousesNYHouse Prices in Rural NY
- Stat2Data::ICUIntensive Care Unit Patients
- Stat2Data::IQGuessingGuess IQ from a Photo?
- Stat2Data::InfantMortality2010Infant Mortality Rates
- Stat2Data::InflationMonthly Consumer Price Index (2009-2016)
- Stat2Data::InsuranceVoteCongressional Votes on a Health Insurance Bill
- Stat2Data::JurorsReporting Rates for Jurors
- Stat2Data::KershawKershaw Pitch Data
- Stat2Data::KeyWestWaterKey West Water Temperatures
- Stat2Data::Kids198Body Measurements of Children
- Stat2Data::LeafWidthLeaf Measurements
- Stat2Data::LeafhoppersLeafhopper Diet and Longevity
- Stat2Data::LeukemiaResponses to Treatment for Leukemia
- Stat2Data::LeveeFailuresLevee Failures along the Mississippi River
- Stat2Data::LewyBody2GroupsLewy Bodies and Dimentia
- Stat2Data::LewyDLBadLewy Bodies and Dimentia with Alzheimer's
- Stat2Data::LongJumpOlympicsOlympic Men's Long Jump Gold Medal Distance (1900 - 2008)
- Stat2Data::LongJumpOlympics2016Olympic Men's Long Jump Gold Medal Distance (1900 - 2016)
- Stat2Data::LosingSleepSleep Hours for Teenagers
- Stat2Data::LostLetterReturn Rates for "Lost" Letters
- Stat2Data::MLB2007StandingsStandings and Team Statistics from the 2007 Baseball Season
- Stat2Data::MLBStandings2016MLB Standings in 2016
- Stat2Data::MarathonDaily Training for a Marathon Runner
- Stat2Data::MarketsDaily Change in Dow Jones and Nikkei Stock Market Indices
- Stat2Data::MathEnrollmentEnrollments in Math Courses
- Stat2Data::MathPlacementMath Placement Exam Results
- Stat2Data::MedGPAGPA and Medical School Admission
- Stat2Data::MeniscusMeniscus Repair Methods
- Stat2Data::MentalHealthMental Health Admissions
- Stat2Data::MetabolicRateMetabolic Rate of Caterpillars
- Stat2Data::MetroCommutesCommute Times
- Stat2Data::MetroHealth83Health Services in Metropolitan Areas
- Stat2Data::MigrainesMigraines and TMS
- Stat2Data::MilgramEthics and a Milgram Experiment
- Stat2Data::MothEggsMoth Eggs
- Stat2Data::MouseBrainEffects of Serotonin in Mice
- Stat2Data::MusicTimeEstimating Time with Different Music Playing
- Stat2Data::NCbirthsNorth Carolina Birth Records
- Stat2Data::NFL2007StandingsNFL Standings for 2007 Regular Season
- Stat2Data::NFLStandings2016NFL Standings for 2016 Regular Season
- Stat2Data::NursingNursing Homes
- Stat2Data::OilDeapsorbtionEffect of Ultrasound on Oil Deapsorbtion
- Stat2Data::OlivesFenthion in Olive Oil
- Stat2Data::OringsSpace Shuttle O-Rings
- Stat2Data::OverdrawnOverdrawn Checking Account?
- Stat2Data::OystersSize of Oysters
- Stat2Data::PKUDopamine levels with PKU in diets
- Stat2Data::PalmBeachPalm Beach Butterfly Ballot
- Stat2Data::PeaceBridge2003Monthly Peace Bridge Traffic ( 2003-2015)
- Stat2Data::PeaceBridge2012Monthly Peace Bridge Traffic ( 2012-2015)
- Stat2Data::PedometerPedometer Walking Data
- Stat2Data::PerchPerch Sizes
- Stat2Data::PigFeedAdditives in Pig Feed
- Stat2Data::PinesMeasurements of Pine Tree Seedlings
- Stat2Data::PoliticalPolitical Behavior of College Students
- Stat2Data::Pollster082008 U.S. Presidential Election Polls
- Stat2Data::PopcornPopcorn Popping Success
- Stat2Data::PorscheJaguarPorsche and Jaguar Prices
- Stat2Data::PorschePricePorsche Prices
- Stat2Data::PulsePulse Rates and Exercise
- Stat2Data::Putts1Putting Success by Length (Long Form)
- Stat2Data::Putts2Putting Success by Length (Short Form)
- Stat2Data::Putts3Hypothetical Putting Data (Short Form)
- Stat2Data::RacialAnimusRacial Animus and City Demgraphics
- Stat2Data::RadioactiveTwinsComparing Twins Ability to Clear Radioactive Particles
- Stat2Data::RailsTrailsHomes in Northampton MA Near Rail Trails
- Stat2Data::RectanglesMeasurements of Rectangles
- Stat2Data::ReligionGDPReligion and GDP for Countries
- Stat2Data::RepeatedPulsePulse Rates at Various Times of Day
- Stat2Data::ResidualOilUS Residual Oil Production (Quarterly 1983-2016)
- Stat2Data::RetirementYearly Contributions to a Supplemental Retirement Account
- Stat2Data::RicciFirefighter Promotion Exam Scores
- Stat2Data::RiverElementsElements in River Water Samples
- Stat2Data::RiverIronIron in River Water Samples
- Stat2Data::SATGPASAT Scores and GPA
- Stat2Data::SampleFGField Goal Attempts in the NFL
- Stat2Data::SandwichAntsAnts on Sandwiches
- Stat2Data::SeaIceArctic Sea Ice (1979-2015)
- Stat2Data::SeaSlugsSea Slug Larvae
- Stat2Data::SleepingShrewsShrew Heart Rates at Stages of Sleep
- Stat2Data::SparrowsSparrow Measurements
- Stat2Data::SpeciesAreaLand Area and Mammal Species
- Stat2Data::SpeedHighway Fatality Rates (Yearly)
- Stat2Data::SugarEthanolEffects of Oxygen on Sugar Metabolism
- Stat2Data::SuicideChinaSuicide Attempts in Shandong, China
- Stat2Data::SwahiliAttitudes Towards Swahili in Kenyan Schools
- Stat2Data::TMSMigraines and TMS
- Stat2Data::TadpolesEffects of a Fungus on Tadpoles
- Stat2Data::TechStocksDaily Prices of Three Tech Stocks
- Stat2Data::TeenPregnancyState Teen Pregnancy Rates
- Stat2Data::TextPricesTextbook Prices
- Stat2Data::ThomasConfirmationUS Senate Votes on Clarence Thomas Confirmation
- Stat2Data::ThreeCarsPrices of Three Used Car Models (2007)
- Stat2Data::ThreeCars2017Price, Age, and Mileage of Three Used Car Models
- Stat2Data::TipJokeImprove Chances of Getting a Tip?
- Stat2Data::TitanicPassengers on the Titanic
- Stat2Data::TomlinsonRushLaDainian Tomlinson Rushing Yards
- Stat2Data::TwinsLungsComparing Twins Ability to Clear Radioactive Particles
- Stat2Data::USstampsPrice of US Stamps
- Stat2Data::UndoingDefense of Undoing OCD Symptoms in Psychotherapy
- Stat2Data::VisualVerbalVisual versus Verbal Performance
- Stat2Data::VoltsVoltage Drop for a Discharging Capacitor
- Stat2Data::WalkTheDogsDid the Author Walk the Dogs Today?
- Stat2Data::WalkingBabiesEffects of Exercise on First Walking
- Stat2Data::WeightLossIncentiveDo Financial Incentives Improve Weight Loss?
- Stat2Data::WeightLossIncentive4Do Financial Incentives Improve Weight Loss? (4 Months)
- Stat2Data::WeightLossIncentive7Do Financial Incentives Improve Weight Loss? (7 Months)
- Stat2Data::Whickham2Whickham Health Study
- Stat2Data::WordMemoryExperiment on Word Memory
- Stat2Data::WordsWithFriendsWords with Friends Scores
- Stat2Data::WrinkleMoving Wet Objects with Wrinkled Fingers
- Stat2Data::YouthRiskAnnual survey of health-risk youth behaviors
- Stat2Data::YouthRisk2007Riding with a Driver Who Has Been Drinking
- Stat2Data::YouthRisk2009Youth Risk Survey
- Stat2Data::ZimmermanStand Your Ground Simpson's Paradox